This is a family story from Gloria’s side of the family.

William Allen Beebe (1833-1904) is Gloria’s 2nd Great-Grandfather and Levi Pier Beebe (1801-1880) is her 3rd Great-Grandfather. At the time they resided in Henderson County, Illinois. They were blessed with good neighbors!

“Fire on Thursday night last, the dwelling houses of Levi Beebe and his son, William were destroyed by fire. The houses were adjoining each other and the fire is supposed to have caught from a stovepipe. The inmates escaped in their nightclothes, but lost nearly all their property. The neighbors, with commendable promptness, immediately commenced making subscriptions for their relief.”

 Story researched by Ruth Hutchinson Rowlett – The Oquawka Spectator. March 27, 1855 

More Info Below on Levi Pier Beebe, William Allen Beebe, and Levi’s Wife/William’s Mother – Sarah Ann Dupey (Dupee).

“My 3-g-grandfather, Levi Pier BEEBE moved from Adams County to Henderson County in April of 1837. He is supposed to have been a member of the “Old Settlers Organization,” according to an excerpt I have from the Oquakwa Spectator. His obit reads: Dec 9, 1880: “Mr. Levi Beebe, aged father of William A. Beebe, died last Wednesday afternoon at the age of 80 years. His illness was but of short duration, as he was, on Saturday last, up and about attending to his chores.” (From Biggsville Clipper, reprinted in The Spectator).

My 2-g-grandfather, William Allen BEEBE, and another son of Levi’s, David, joined the Army together out of Biggsville, the 84th IL Volunteer Infantry. David was killed in the campaign against Atlanta. William shot his thumb off during guard duty in Louisville KY and spent the remainder of the war serving as an ambulance driver. His pension file for disability is fascinating reading…several of the Adams and Henderson County neighbors he had wrote affidavits for him attesting to his inability to work after the war. He returned to Henderson County after the war and lived there until he moved to Schuyler County in 1886 or 1887, then on to Kansas and finally Oklahoma.

His mother was Sarah Ann Dupee (Dupey), aka Sally. Her obit reads: Jan 30, 1901: “Grandma Beebe (Sarah) died Friday morning, Jan 18, at Media. She was 92 yrs old. Funeral was Saturday at Biggsville Methodist Church, burial at Old Stone Cemetary.” (from The Oquawka Spectator)

Most of Levi’s family (parents and siblings) remained in Adams County. They all arrived in Illinois from New York around 1821 or ’22.”