Photo Galleries
When my parents used to travel around the United States compiling family genealogy, my dad often took photos of photos other families had on display. My dad made sure I received some of the copies of these photos to keep the family genealogy from getting lost.
As I can I add what I have on here from the old site and I will gather more. Family, please feel free to download, so we don’t lose what we have.
Don, Gloria, and Family
Brett, Gloria, Anne (Bethany), Don, Juli, and Levi
A very happy family reunion after 7 years. We are grateful to Yah.
C.R., Wenona, Nick, Katarina, Cory, Gloria, Don, Monique, Matt, Mike
A family photo at Lola Dixon’s funeral.
Ken, Don, Juli, Gloria, C.R., and Nancy Rigali
Family gathered in Texas 2005. Ken, Don, Juli, Gloria, C.R., and Nancy Bradley Rigali (Don’s mother).
Don Rigali Family and Ancestors
Robert, Nonna – Bessie, Roselind & Betty Rigali
Don’s father Robert, grandmother Bessie (Nonna), aunt Roselind, and aunt Betty.
Luigi Giuseppe Rigali Family 1902
Don’t grandfather Robert, great-grandfather, Luigi, and great-grandmother Charlotte.
Grandpa & Nonna Rigali
Don’s paternal grandparents. Robert Joseph Rigali and Bessie Veronica Novak Rigali
Gloria Dixon Rigali Family and Ancestors
Gloria’s Family
Gloria’s Family when she was a little girl. L-R: Her little sister Margie, her mother Lola, her father Clarence, and Gloria.
William Allen Beebe or John David Beebe
This is supposedly William Allen Beebe (2nd great-grandfather of Gloria), but it could possibly be his son, John David Beebe. Either are possible.